The Metric:
Every believer at Adventure Christian Church
knows and takes their next steps to live like Jesus.
Objective #1:
Create/on-board Discipleship Training Ministry
Rooted is a 10-week experience and a catalyst for life-change. Through this 10-week journey, your time together will help you explore the Bible, share stories, and practice the 7 rhythms essential to a healthy spiritual life.

Objective #2:
Create/on-board a Pathway for Discipleship
Knowing where you are at on the Path of Discipleship helps you determine your next steps.
Objective #3:
Establish/use a spiritual gift assessment tool
The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Survey is a FREE Spiritual Gifts Test discovery tool that provides you with a personalized analysis. Not a exam, but a simple questionnaire giving you a profile of your God-given spiritual gifts. Discovering and exercising your God-given spiritual gifts allows you to experience maximum fulfillment with minimum frustration in your Christian life and ministry.

Objective #4:
Create a culture of Partnership Expectations
At Adventure, we couldn't do what we do without our partners. When you are part of a movement, it's helpful to know what's expected of you.
Objective #5:
Clarify the role of mentoring
Currently in our 3 year strategic plan, we're working on a plan to clarify the role of mentoring.