The Metric:
Every believer at Adventure Christian  Church
builds a friendship with someone far from Jesus,
and shares Christ with that person.

Objective #1:

Design and install visual signage

At Adventure, our vision is to help people live the one Adventure! We do so by pursuing God radically, and Loving others courageously. We've already been creating and adding visually engaging signage that helps communicate who we are and what we're about!

Objective #2:

Develop and deploy evangelism training at Adventure.

When you’ve been transformed by God’s love, you can’t help but want others to experience the same grace and freedom. But how do you share it without scaring them away or offending them? For most Christians, “evangelism” is an intimidating word that suggests handing out tracts to strangers or doing other awkward things. But what if there was a more organic, more authentic way to share your faith with your friends, neighbors, and coworkers?
Join us at Adventure as we kick off our new series: How to BLESS Your Neighbor. This series will provide you with five simple, straightforward practices that will allow any believer to do just that. And by consistently living them out, you can affect not just individual lives but your entire neighborhood and community—one person at a time.

Objective #3:

Audit felt community needs

Over our 3-year strategic plan, we'll be gaining a pulse on the needs of our community and creating opportunities for us to respond to those needs.

Objective #4:

Create and deploy outreach initiatives/impact days

Sign up today for Serve Day! Twice a year, we have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus as we make a difference right here in Kankakee County. There are so many opportunities from landscaping, to painting, to cleaning, to putting together personal hygiene bags. For a full list of our projects, view the SERVE DAY LIST.  (Coming Soon...)

Objective #5:

Outreach at Adventure Commons

Mark your calendars and save the date! On Saturday, October 21st we will be hosting a FREE Halloween event for kids in our community. There will be games along the Mini Golf Course for kids to play and get some candy or prizes and a movie playing inside. This will be a great opportunity to reach out to your neighbors, family, friends, and coworkers!
We will need volunteers to help set-up, tear down, run one of the golf holes, and greet visitors. Sign ups thru our Sign Up Genius . We will also be taking donations of bags of Halloween candy and small prizes. If you would like more info, see Lisa or email her at 

Objective #6:

Intentional focused prayer for the lost.

On Sunday, October 1st, 2023, we added two Prayer Walls: one to our church lobby, and one in the Commons lobby by the entrance. Our hopes is that these prayer walls will encourage people to present their requests to God. There are two areas to place the prayer requests. Private requests can be rolled up and hung inside of the chicken wire, public requests can be posted on the cork board. As a part of our B.L.E.S.S. initiative,
keep praying for open doors that God may lead you through!