#1 - Hush Emoji

Dec 4, 2022    Pastor Andrew Hamilton

We all use emojis to share our thoughts and our emotions. This week we’ll be learning the Christmas story through the Silent Face Emoji. The silent face reminds us that sometimes God is silent in our lives.

Luke kicks off the story of Christmas months before Jesus was born. Scholars refer to the time in between the Old and New Testaments as the 400 years of Silence. There were no prophecies. No new miracles. God was just silent.

The angel Gabriel visited Zechariah while he was serving in the temple. God breaks the silences, when the angel Gabriel announces that they would have a son and they were to name him John. 

Up until this point in their lives Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth were childless in their old age. Things were beginning to change as God began to unfold his ultimate plan.

Read Luke 1:1-25: The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold.