Facing Opposition: Day #13

Sep 22, 2023    Devotion Leader

Nobody likes to face opposition, and yet we are told that we are blessed when we are persecuted and insulted because of Jesus (Matthew 5:11). When we are doing the Lord’s work, the Devil gets angry. He throws everything he can at us, and he wants us to give up. The moment we take our eyes off of Jesus, is the moment we start believing the lies the enemy throws at us. Inevitably and regardless of what you do in life, you will not make everyone happy. But we are not called to please man but God.

So, when you face opposition, ask yourself, am I pleasing God? Fix your eyes on him and he will give you peace through whatever opposition comes your way. God can give you a way through so that even when we stumble, we can learn to do the right thing and not lose peace or joy. What areas in life do you seem to be attacked or opposed? How has God spoken to you?

Father, today we pray that you give us strength. We know that when we are weak, you are strong. When we as individuals or as a church face opposition, help us to center our thoughts and mind on you and evaluate each situation through the mission you have given us. In Christ, we pray, Amen.