To Focus on the Father: Day #19

Sep 28, 2023    Devotion Leader

A couple of times a year, the students in the band at Bourbonnais Upper Grade Center file into the gym and spend the next few moments warming up their instruments. Some on woodwind, some on brass, and some percussion, each one preparing and getting themselves ready. And then the moment happens; the conductor enters. Each member eyes the conductor, following every movement of the baton, careful to maintain the tempo with the conductor’s lead.

We want to be a church that is captivated by what God is doing, so much so that we keep a clear focus on his every move. With this focus, we respond to his direction and reap an outcome of a life flowing with the fruit of his presence. So much of the world wants to distract us from keeping our eyes fixed on God and what he is doing in our lives. We must not let this happen. How do we set traps for ourselves and get distracted? How do others do this? Let us remember the conductor who is leading gently keep our eyes fixed on Him and his word.

Father, you know the world’s distractions better than we do, you know their power and the lies behind their taunts. Let us keep our eyes fixed on you, for you are our refuge. We wait for you to set our feet where they need to go. In Christ name we pray, Amen.