Scripture Reading: Day #22

Oct 1, 2023    Devotion Leader

I once saw a video of Chinese Christians when they received their first Bible. I was amazed at the desperate joy that they had running to the book and how they clung to it as a life preserver. But when you read scripture, you may have that same joy. Regular reading will help you find so much more than joy, peace, and comfort. May you also find wisdom and direction.

We need to be reminded, that the word of God is alive! It can meet us anywhere; in the storms of life, the failures that haunt us, and the dangers of the world. None of these cannot stop the Word of God. I encourage you to find a quiet time in your day, hold the Book and ask God to direct you to His scriptures. God’s love story is written in scripture - He is calling us to it! Time reading the scripture is never a waste of time.

Father – We love you and your word that is alive and calling us! I pray that your flock will turn to your written words for direction, comfort, and peace. Thank you for your Son, Jesus. In his name, Amen.