Teen Mother Choices: Day #10

Sep 19, 2023    Devotion Leader

For the last half a century, there has been much debate over the issue of abortion. And yet thousands of children are born in some of the most difficult and tragic places and situations. Those serving in TMC do something more than talk about a problem, they work to be God’s hands and feet, loving and serving teen moms who have chosen life for their children. We have partnered with TMC to share in this ministry and want God to increase the impact of this ministry. Many of the teen moms in our community who find themselves pregnant unexpectedly have real and sometimes desperate needs.

We want to have the heart of Christ who went out of his way to care for us when we could not repay. We want to help those in need and lift them up with not just helping with daily needs but sharing the Gospel and life training.

Father, help us to see those in need in our community. Provide TMC with the resources and mentors to make a difference in the future of teen moms and young kids. Give wisdom to the mentors who work with these moms. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.