Our 20th Birthday: Day #15

Sep 24, 2023    Devotion Leader

Happy Birthday Adventure! This year represents 20 years of changed hearts and lives through Christ working in our community! When the original core group of Adventure began meeting and dreaming over 20 years ago, they dreamt of a church that would step outside its walls to make a significant impact on its community. It took a season of asking some hard questions, refining our calling, making some difficult relocation decisions, and with a few risky faith steps. God has led us on a true adventure! We are now experiencing incredible ministry impact! God is using our ministry to impact hundreds through our athletic sports ministry programming, our summer camp program, and many other outreach activities.

People of all ages experience God’s presence firsthand in so many exciting ways, and we believe He’s just getting started! We’ve prayerfully and humbly embarked on a three-year initiative we're calling: “LET'S GO!” We believe that God's work is calling us to step out in three strategic areas: Discipleship, Evangelism, and Leadership. Our primary goal of this initiative is 100% participation by everyone who calls Adventure home. Don't miss out on this opportunity! We can't wait to see all that God is going to do!

Father, we pray that you would increase the impact of Adventure’s ministry and that you would add to the number daily those who are being saved. In Christ’s name’s name we pray, Amen.