A Prayer for Our Sports Ministry: Day #30

Oct 9, 2023    Devotion Leader

Adventure Commons is such a unique ministry opportunity. Our building is a multi-purpose sports facility that is led and operated by Adventure Christian Church. The people of Adventure Christian Church have an amazing opportunity to serve our community through our sports ministry. We have basketball, baseball, and soccer tournaments run by Adventure Commons. Also, we have opportunities to share what Christ has done in open gyms, open turfs, and open batting cages. Not all those that use our facility and participate in our events are all believers, in fact many are not. So, let’s pray that God uses our ministry in these sports to share the Gospel in the lives of more people so that Christ’s love can continue in our mission to Pursue God radically and Love others courageously.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the sports ministry here at Adventure Commons. I pray for everyone involved in our sports here at Adventure. I pray for the coaches, the kids participating in the sports, and for Tim, our Athletics Ministry Director. Help everyone involved in our sports ministry to be more like Jesus.