One Mind: Day #5

Sep 14, 2023    Devotion Leader

It is a very contentious period in our political and social lives. We live in a time when people go out of their way to be disagreeable simply out of enjoyment. Arguments flare into all out brawls over differing political and religious views about the world. Even in the church we seem to argue and exclude over the simplest things. A story is told of a church that split because half the congregation wanted a kitchen, and the other half did not.

Now, some 50 years later, both have kitchens. This contentious disunity of mind, this division in thought and teaching is hostile to much of what God called us to be. But the future seems like there is little hope for change. Our world seems fraught with a quickness to argue and sluggish to think. No doubt, lies abound, and we, too, have minds that are slow to see clearly, often pulled in all sorts of directions by lies and desires. We need God to work in our hearts and minds to bring unity and restoration. We need to practice faithfulness to the truth. We need to recognize cultural influence and how it sometimes works with Scripture, and sometimes works against. And we need grace to talk and reason together honestly. Let us pray these things grow in the church.

God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, give us unity in mind that celebrates the creative diversity you bring AND holds to your truth faithfully. For Jesus’ name’s sake and so the world Knows we are your children. In Jesus’ name we ask and pray, Amen.