The Superhero In You

Jun 30, 2024    Pastor Andrew Hamilton

This week’s message is entitled “The Superhero in You!” Going along with the Bourbonnais Friendship Festival theme of Village of Heroes, pastor Andy will be looking at what the Bible says about the presence of Christ living in me.


You may not think of yourself as a superhero! Maybe your aren’t faster than a speeding bullet… Maybe you aren’t more powerful than a locomotive… Maybe you can’t leap tall buildings in a single bound… BUT, if you’ve made Jesus your personal Lord & Savior, you’ve been given the gift of the Holy Spirit! He lives in you!


1 John 4:4 says, “You dear children are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater that the one who is in the world.


Plan to join us THIS Sunday and bring a friend! This weekend will be a GREAT opportunity for outreach, and we need your hands and feet! Plan to walk with us in the Friendship Festival Parade. We are float #52. We’ll be handing out invite cards to Adventure and Freezer Popsicles.


(If you haven’t already ordered a t-shirt, shirts will only be available BEFORE service. Following service, we’ll be loading up equipment for the float.)